OWASP IoT Top 10 2014

I1 Insecure Web Interface

I3 Insecure Ecosystem Interfaces

I2 Insufficient Authentication/Authorization

I1 Weak, Guessable, or Hardcoded Passwords

I3 Insecure Ecosystem Interfaces

I9 Insecure Default Settings

I3 Insecure Network Services

I2 Insecure Network Services

I4 Lack of Transport Encryption/Integrity Verification

I7 Insecure Data Transfer and Storage

I5 Privacy Concerns

I6 Insufficient Privacy Protection

I6 Insecure Cloud Interface

I3 Insecure Ecosystem Interfaces

I7 Insecure Mobile Interface

I3 Insecure Ecosystem Interfaces

I8 Insufficient Security Configurability

I9 Insecure Default Settings

I9 Insecure Software/Firmware

I4 Lack of Secure Update Mechanism I5 Use of Insecure or Outdated Components

I10 Poor Physical Security

I10 Lack of Physical Hardening

Last updated